NetGear Pro Safe GS105PE

Convince diagnostic tools

The distribution and control of the network connections is simplified by various functions of the switches Netgear ProSafe GS105PE. In particular, the credibility of the cables and the ability to prioritize applications, are useful for efficient working.
Network switches NetGear Pro Safe GS105PE
NetGear Prosafe GS105PE
NetGear Prosafe GS105PE

Control is everything

The big difference to a normal switch lies in the possibility of introducing an intelligent control into the existing network, at least to a limited extent. The device from Netgear provides integrated programs to limit the traffic to monitor and individual applications give higher bandwidth. In addition, checking whether there are cable defects, save a lot of time at a fault diagnosis. The power supply is ensured exclusively through the LAN cable. In the same way a device can be connected with maximum demand for 19 watt or two with 9 watts power to the switch. The possible transmission rates corresponding to the currently used standard of one gigabit per second.

Advantages of lack of power cables

The need for additional power supply makes the installation much easier especially hard to reach places. For the switch over models with external supply Amazon with just under 70 euros a bit expensive. For the control of the network and the assignment of rights for individual accesses it is well suited for small businesses, because working with little technology.
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